Smoking is the chief culprit in his death. 吸烟是导致他死亡的罪魁祸首。
The chief culprit is coal. 最大污染源是煤炭。
Finally, entertainment featuring killers on TV screen has been pinpointed as the chief culprit of modern crime. 最后,人们强调指出,电视屏幕上的凶杀节目是导致现代犯罪的罪魁祸首。
This view is that fair value should not be accused of being the chief culprit in the financial crisis, but need to reflect on and modify to solve the practice problems. 本文的观点是,公允价值计量不应该被指控是金融危机的罪魁祸首但需要反思和修改以解决实务中面临的问题。
More lethal, though, is Lima's sorry bus fleet, the chief culprit for air pollution that exceeds World Health Organization limits ninefold. 更致命的是,尽管抱歉汽车舰队利马,空气污染的罪魁祸首,就超过了世界卫生组织的限制。
Research by specialists leads people to think the chief culprit for SARS might be masked civet. 经过专家研究,非典的罪魁祸首可能是果子狸。
Severe soil and water loss caused by destroying trees and reclamation is the chief culprit of the situation and development of desertification. 毁林开荒引起的严重水土流失是荒漠化产生、发展的罪魁祸首。
The high arsenic and sulfur tailings discharged from tin concentrators in Gejiu region, Yunnan Province contain various valuable elements such as arsenic, sulfur and tin, of which the arsenic is the chief culprit of pollution, meanwhile, the one with the highest value. 云南个旧地区锡精选厂排出的高砷高硫尾矿中含砷、硫、锡等多种有价元素,其中的砷是造成污染的祸首,却又是物料中价值最高的。
From Marxism, environmental problem is mainly caused by human's cognition and the alienated labour, the alienated labour is the basic reason of the environmental problem's internationalization, and the capitalism's mode of production is the chief culprit of environment's worsen. 在马克思主义看来,环境问题主要源于人们的认识问题和异化劳动,其中异化劳动是使环境问题由地区性问题过渡到全球性问题的根本原因,而资本主义生产方式是导致环境恶化的祸首。
Robbery not only is the serious petty crime, also is encroaches upon the property crime the chief culprit crime, always for our country criminal law key attack. 抢劫罪既是严重的暴力犯罪,又是侵犯财产罪的首恶罪行,历来为我国刑法重点打击。
Accounting fraud is regarded as one of chief culprit of trampling sincerity, it is the result of people's interests driving behavior and specific system background, it is the result of people's psychological motive and various kinds of systems colliding after all. 会计舞弊则被看作是践踏诚信的祸首之一,它是人的趋利行为和特定制度背景下的产物,说到底是人们的心理动机和各种制度相碰撞的结果。
According to the investigation, the drunk driving has become the chief culprit causing traffic accident. 据有关部门调查显示,在这些频频发生的交通事故中,醉酒驾车行为已经成为其重要罪魁祸首。
Assembling crime takes that the chief culprit gathers many people, the group put damage behavior into practice as characteristics and has big destructiveness to society. 聚众犯罪以首要分子聚集多人、形成群体实施危害行为为特征,对社会具有很大的破坏性,具体案件往往呈现较大程度的复杂性,刑事司法的处理难度较大。
Background: Atherosclerosis is the chief culprit of cardio-cerebrovascular disease. In recent years, atherosclerosis has always been the hot spot of domestic and foreign scholars. 背景:动脉粥样硬化是心脑血管病的罪魁祸首,近年动脉粥样硬化一直是国内外学者研究的热点之一。